Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) drive competitive advantage and employee retention for your organization. The challenge is to identify and implement practical ways in which an effective DEI strategy can be built at both the individual and enterprise-level.
We bring passion, authenticity, and our own diverse global backgrounds to help build comprehensive strategies, custom education programs, DEI communications support, as well as coaching and mentoring to individuals and employee business networks.
Our goal is to promote a deeper understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion and its impact in the workplace, and shift behaviors and decision-making that result in a more inclusive workplace and improved business performance.
Our DEI practitioners bring decades of professional and personal experiences with an array of companies and industries across the globe. The breadth and depth of our experiences have shaped the distinct and innovative lens in which we view the world and our work, and our combined thinking and strategic acumen will create value, drive engagement, cultivate inclusion, increase diverse representation, and enhance loyalty.
We take a simple, pragmatic approach to accelerating your DEI strategy through our PACE framework:
Participate – ensuring diversity is represented throughout the organization, and that the culture and processes support inclusion.
Advance – progression for all employees through rewards (pay equity, benefits), environment (human rights and anti-discrimination), development, and education.
Celebrate – communication, engagement inside and outside the organization to build self-belief. Employee advocacy.
Extend – use your scale for good, extending best practice to your supply chain and communities. Developing strategic partnerships.