Odgers berndtson
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Executive & Team Coaching

Building individual capability and team collaboration to drive organizational success.

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We work with Executives and Teams to help them achieve greater self-awareness around their strengths, development opportunities, and potential derailers. We also equip them with the tools and strategies they need to achieve higher performance.

Executive Coaching: When coaching executives, we have one main goal: to improve a leader’s effectiveness, which in turn positively impacts team success and overall business results. Our experienced and accredited coaching professionals work with executives to help them understand their assessment results as well as achieve greater self-awareness around their leadership strengths, development opportunities, and potential derailers. They also equip these senior leaders with tools and strategies that will allow them to generate new insights, enhance their overall impact, and lead them to higher performance levels.

This approach is proven to create more resilient leaders and also helps to:

  • Develop leaders in key areas to address specific business or relationship challenges.

  • Improve an executive’s ability to lead change, gain buy-in, and build diverse teams.

  • Help executives balance the rigors of professional and personal commitments.

  • Nurture strategic thinking and creativity within an executive.

  • Provide an outlet for an executive to actualize their aspirations or frustrations.

  • Help executives think through important career progression decisions.

Strategic Leadership Team Coaching: The Odgers Berndtson Strategic Team Coaching methodology, which is based on the work of Dr. Peter Hawkins, recognizes that all learning and development is relational between the leader or living system and the wider living ecosystems they are nested within. To help leaders see a fuller and more complete picture, the coach will help them see their context through the six systemic lenses of: individual, interpersonal, team dynamics, team task mission, and intent, stakeholder interfaces, and wider systemic environment including the Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal, and Environmental influences. Through these lenses, leaders can take a future-back and outside-in approach and recognize and respond to the emerging needs and challenges of their wider ecosystem in new transformative ways.

We will partner with your leadership teams using a Strategic Team Coaching (STC) approach to help your teams enhance their business and team productivity, relationships, and performance.  The advantage of STC is that it recognizes that change takes place over time, and that effective team development is the result of both action and learning. More specifically, STC focuses on task, process, learning, and leadership in relation to the team's wider ecosystem to respond to future emerging stakeholder needs. As a result, the team constantly transforms in dynamic relationship with its ecosystem with greater creativity and speed of innovation.

We help leaders and leadership teams adopt a multilayered perspective to see a fuller and more complete picture of their context through six lenses:

  • Individual that includes personal drivers, goals, and behaviors

  • Interpersonal relationships that include relationships with each individual within the team, building on diversity and difference

  • Team dynamics that include the way the team functions as a team, collaborating to achieve more together than they can individually

  • Team task, mission, and intent that includes the team’s collective purpose and joint processes to deliver what is expected of them as a team

  • Stakeholder interfaces that include the nature of the team’s relationships with all their stakeholders

  • Wider systemic environment that includes the impact of the Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal, and Environmental influences


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