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Unlocking leadership team growth with new appointment

New appointment of Andrew Rodgers aims to expand and develop Odgers Berndtson's client relationships and develop high-performing leadership teams.

Almost a third of an individual leader’s creativity, experience, and skills are held back*. Leadership teams are productively engaged about 70% of the time on a day to day basis. Unlocking this final 30% will release new levels of growth and long-term sustainable performance.

We’ve appointed Andrew Rodgers, a leadership team coach and former HSBC executive, to work with clients tasked with delivering significant national or global mandates and help them unlock that 30%.

Level-4 Growth team coaching uses a team leader-led approach. It focuses on the connection between individual and collective business goals, enhancing team collaboration, creating a space for creativity, and developing trust and purpose to achieve community-level change which releases new capacity and growth.

*Qualitative executive team research of 112 leaders across 5 markets.

Why will this approach unlock new growth and performance?

Andrew admits, “I have been on team days or courses where at the end of the programme I felt inspired and energised! Yet after a few days, the effects wore off and it was back to business as usual.

I’ve found the key to sustainable change is addressing individual and collective mindsets, being equipped to create and embed growth which brings about lasting shifts in performance.

This is the space we are going after. Ambitious leaders and teams who are looking for the next level, breaking through inertia, scepticism and even fear, to promote an organisation to higher performance”

We co-partner with the leader, which is critical in unlocking the team, re-envisioning and resetting the roadmap and coaching their team members across multiple tailored sessions. Team sessions create a safe space in which individual contributions morph into collective achievements by leveraging members with often less obvious strengths and addressing blockers to fulfilling their hidden potential.

The impact is a tangible culture shift, visible engagement, and a greater sense of purpose and belief within and beyond the team which can be felt throughout and beyond the organisation, impacting employees, suppliers, customers and communities.

Odgers Berndtson’s client relationships are broad, spanning every business sector across the UK. Andrew will support this network, developing the high-performing leadership teams we have placed or built, accelerating their success and the organisation’s growth

If you would like to discuss our leadership assessment and development services, please contact Andrew or get in touch with us here. You can also find your local Odgers Berndtson contact here.

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