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Remuneration Benchmarking Service


We provide remuneration advisory services to clients in order to determine appropriate levels of remuneration pertaining to Board and C-suite executives in the Irish market place.

We undertake bespoke salary and remuneration surveys which are specific to our clients’ industry sector and also based upon the size and scale of our clients’ business. ​

Remuneration data is collated from our very extensive database of senior executives in Ireland and this is supplemented with qualitative research by our highly experienced research team.


How it works

Executive Compensation Advice 

We advise clients on current remuneration rates for their C-suite executives.

Board Compensation Advice 

Our Board practice advises clients on appropriate Non-Executive Director compensation, including Chair, Committee Chair and Committee membership.

Remuneration Benchmarking

We compare and contrast clients’ existing Board and Executive compensation with current market rates as defined by industry sector, business turnover, scale and operating margin. 


How we differ from our competitors 

  • Real Time Database: Our executive database comprises remuneration data of more than 20,000 Board & C suite executives in Ireland.
  • Globally Connected: Operating in 35 countries we can benchmark Irish executive remuneration against that of other leading economies.
  • Independence: As a global search and consulting firm, we are both impartial and independent in our services to clients.


Download the brochure below for more information or reach out to Ray Carolan at ray.carolan@odgersberndtson.com 

Contact Us

For more information and help with your next remuneration benchmarking project, get in touch with us.

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