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Siobhan Walsh

Research Partner

Dublin +353 1 6697030

Siobhan is Research Partner at Odgers Berndtson in Ireland. Siobhan leads the Research function. Siobhan joined the business in 1991 and progressed to Director of Research in 1998, a role she managed until 2014 when she became Research Partner.

She personally manages a wide range of international assignments across a broad spectrum of industries and functions.  Recently she has worked with clients in banking / financial services, professional services, telecoms, M&E contracting, real estate and public sector. Siobhan has a particular expertise in CEO and CFO functions and also in the Non-Executive space. 

Siobhan holds a BA degree in History of Art and Italian from University College Dublin. She is a former External Examiner on the AESC Researcher Certification Programme.




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