Odgers berndtson
Location and language Brazil | EN

Daniela Tessler

Partner, Retail and Technology Practices

English Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish (Latin Am)

Daniela Tessler is Partner within the Retail and Technology Practices of Odgers Berndtson Brazil.  

She has 25 years of professional experience in executive search and as organizational development consultant, combined with the vision of a senior human resources executive, acquired in companies such as Fast Shop, JP Morgan, EDS/HP and Korn/Ferry.

Daniela holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/SP), postgraduate degree in human resources from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP), International Coaching certification from ICI, MBA in Business Management from Fundação Instituto de Empresa (FIA/SP) and Cultural Transformation & Management certification from the Barrett Values Center.

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